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The development of children's outdoor playground equipment needs to be considered

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If  children's play equipment manufacturers want to have better development  in society, the first choice to consider the product quality problems  and whether there will be operational safety problems, the following we  look at the market based on manufacturers should take into account Those questions.
First,  the principle of safety Children are vulnerable vulnerable groups in  the design of children's amusement equipment can not but put security  issues in the first place. Children's  activities should be located away from the roadway and the surrounding  environment is more chaotic, complex and complex mobility of public  places, and can not let the children's activities and the surrounding  environment lost contact with the visual dead ends, to prevent the  vehicle, The threat. In  addition to this should also pay attention to the safety of the  activities of the equipment and children's leisure equipment design  details of the safety, can not appear dangerous protrusions (such as  nails and bolts, etc.), squeeze points, sharp edges, sharp corners and  possible Stuck the child's head and the opening of the finger to avoid accidental injury when the child is active
Second,  the principle of children-based children's recreational equipment  should be designed to serve children for the purpose of the design of  various types of activities and recreational facilities to meet the  physical characteristics of children's groups, the scale of activities,  for example, due to the height of children and adults have obvious The  gap, some adults can easily see the past barrier is often completely  blocked a 3 --- 5-year-old children's attention, and some suitable for  adult use of tables and chairs for children is completely inconvenient. Therefore,  in the design of children, we must pay special attention to children in  the activities of the venue to move, run, climb and crawl when the line  of sight and body scale. Large amusement equipment.
Third,  the principle of entertaining The children's recreation equipment  should take into account the needs of children's activities diversity,  design should be integrated participation, diversity, knowledge and fun  in one, for children to create a relaxed, natural, full-featured  activities , And given a certain cultural connotation.

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