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What is the future development trend of children's amusement equipment industry?

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1.  Landscape is about the theme of the amusement park recreational culture  of the intrinsic logic of the relationship, elements, etc., into the  materialized, image, ornamental, visual impact of the landscape. Culture is the connotation of the landscape, the landscape is the  carrier of culture, through the landscape, so that visitors feel the  theme of the amusement park to express the theme of recreational  culture;
2. Experience is the theme of the culture of the inherent knowledge,  entertainment, culture into a process, so that visitors in the process  of cultural values, connotation of awareness and resonance;
3.  Interactive mode mainly includes social interaction with people,  recreation interaction, amusement interaction, experience interaction,  interaction between staff and tourists, interaction between entertainers  and tourists. Interactive  arrangements so that people in a sense of participation, experience a  lot of satisfaction, visitors can visit the area, the shuttle history,  experience the folk customs, feel the atmosphere at the same time, the  theme of the play will be kept in mind, so that the theme of amusement  park consumption model upgrade;
4.  Leisure is the relaxation of the amusement process, the formation of a  slow pace of physical and mental pleasure of the consumer process. Such as the theme of amusement park set in the amusement equipment  outside the massage room, beer bar, tea ceremony performances, these  leisure projects so that visitors in the hurry of the tourism process,  enjoy the cultural connotation of high-end products;
5.  Props of commercialization, the characteristics of the mark, the mascot  can be sold into props, souvenirs, etc., this approach known as props  commercialization. Props to enhance the theme of the theme of the park's participation,  fun, but also extend the experience of tourists, lengthening the  consumer chain;
6.  entertainment is not a dynamic, dynamic way, but the main form of  performing arts activities, including automated light and shadow  performances, individual / group performances, simplified comprehensive  performing arts, such as watches and clocks of mechanical performances,  human sculpture, small Fireworks show and so on. At present, the performing mode, technology and means are more and  more, and the stage limitation has been made, and the modern interactive  high-tech innovation mode has been formed.
7. Dynamic art is a way to express the dynamic feeling, but also the traditional static art into a dynamic way of expression. It  not only emphasizes a dynamic form, but also emphasizes the interaction  of the participants, the embodiment of the process itself and the  subjective feelings of the participants. The dynamic art of the theme amusement park mainly refers to the  dynamic of the static landscape and the interactive of the dynamic  recreational way;
8.  Amusement is the theme of the amusement park to create a tourist in  their activities, sports, dynamic experience and experience in the  process. The  theme of the park is a science and technology to win the scenic area,  amusement first of all have a lot of amusement equipment, followed by  the introduction of high-tech, the theme of culture using  three-dimensional imaging technology, holographic projection technology,  etc., through the environment, So that visitors get an extraordinary magic experience, so that the  final state of mind and the theme of culture to achieve a high degree of  integration.
Second, children's amusement equipment industry development prospects
1. With the implementation of the national "twin" policy, the  proportion of raw babies will certainly increase, which increases the  number of children, and the demand for children's play equipment will  certainly increase;
2.  With the improvement of living standards, child care topics concern,  parents are more hope that children can grow healthily, with children on  the park playground play, both cultivate the child's sentiment, but  also the release of the parents of the work pressure , Serve twice;
3. Now theme parks, playgrounds, amusement parks, communities, parks,  scenic tourist areas have been put into use, will need a variety of  children's play equipment, which also to children's play equipment  manufacturers to provide a lot of market space;
4. Amusement equipment industry to improve the technology. Whether  from design to manufacturing, from power to power, from the outdoor to  the interior, from variety to variety diversity, have a qualitative  leap. Facing the increasing number of amusement equipment manufacturers, I  believe that the manufacturers will be more refined, manufacturing more  high-end products.
Rational  analysis of the enterprise's development strategy, no longer from the  price of children's play equipment to compete for the market, but from  the development of new products, improve production technology capacity  to improve their own ability. At  this stage of the children's play equipment prices are still in the  manufacturers offer a relatively large difference in the situation, the  same product, the same material, the same quality, offer relatively low  relative to the market demand. Customers  want to buy their own satisfaction with the equipment, we must first  consider the manufacturers of production technology capabilities,  product quality and performance. And  then the price of children's recreational equipment factors, through a  comprehensive analysis, elected to reach the intention of the  enterprise. So  each manufacturer must withstand the test of the current stage of  competition, strengthen enterprise management, improve production  efficiency and technical level, so that relatively can save costs. So  that customers in their own manufacturers can not only accept the price  of children's play equipment, but also to buy their own products.

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